Kindergarten Curriculum
Develop understandings of addition and subtraction strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts, describe shapes and space
Order objects by measurable attributes - compare and order objects indirectly or directly using measurable attributes such as length, height, and weight
Algebra - identify and duplicate simple number and non-numeric repeating and growing patterns
Geometry and Measurement - demonstrate an understanding of the concept of time using identifiers such as morning, afternoon, day, week, month, year, before/after, shorter/longer
The student demonstrates knowledge of the concept of print and how it is organized and read
Demonstrates phonological awareness
Phonemic awareness
Phonics and word analysis
Vocabulary development using multiple strategies
Reading comprehension using varieties of strategies
Fiction - develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection
Nonfiction – demonstrate an understanding of the information presented
Developing and demonstrating and understanding of media literacy for decision making
Social Studies
History - Time, Continuity, and Change
Understand historical chronology and historical perspective
Understand the world from its beginning to the time of the Renaissance
Understand Western and Eastern civilization since the Renaissance
Understand U.S. history from 1880 to the present day
Geography – People, Places, and Environments
Civics and Government – Government and the Citizen
Understand the structure, function, and purpose of government
Understand the role of the citizen in American democracy
Revising and refining the draft for clarity and effectiveness
Editing and correcting the draft for standard language conventions
Publishing a final product for the intended audience
Developing and demonstrating creative, informative, and persuasive writing
Engaging in the writing process and writing to communicate ideas and experiences
For more information on the standards and curriculum, please visit the
OCPS website Parent page.