Welcome to Chickasaw Elementary!
Dear Chickasaw families and Community Members,
Welcome to Chickasaw Elementary! I want to thank you for your support and interest in our school and our entire Warrior family! At Chickasaw Elementary, we are dedicated to ensuring a promising and successful future for all of our scholars and look forward to collaborative partnerships with our families and community. Our dedicated teachers and staff are committed to providing a strong educational foundation for our students as we support them in some of their most critical years of learning.
On behalf of those here at Chickasaw Elementary School, it is my pleasure to welcome those of you joining our school family and welcome back our families that are returning! I want to invite and encourage all parents/guardians to get involved! Our monthly PTA and School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings are an incredible way to share ideas and collaborate with our school community. Look for meeting dates and more information in upcoming newsletters. Please be sure to keep your contact information as up-to-date as possible to ensure you receive all of our exciting news, upcoming events, and announcements.
I am truly honored to serve as the principal of Chickasaw Elementary School. I am grateful to be part of our community and to work with a faculty and staff that is professionally skilled and personally committed to meeting the learning needs of all students. Along with our staff, our incredible students, and our families, we have no doubt we will reach all the goals that we set. Thank you for your partnership, your support, and your trust. It is truly a privilege to be a part of the lives of your children.
Jessica Vasilisin
Principal, Chickasaw Elementary