Kindergarten-First Grades
Grade Level Performance
Above- Above Grade Level
At- At Grade Level
Below- Below Grade Level
Code of Development
W-Working on Skill
N-Needs Improvement
Blank-Not Assessed
Awards Presented for Kinder & 1st Grades
Good Behavior
Academic Improvement
Continued Excellence
Character Trait of the Month
i-Ready Math
i-Ready Reading
Second - Fifth Grades
Academic Progress
A = 90 – 100 Outstanding Progress
B = 80 – 89 Above Average Progress
C = 70 – 79 Average Progress
D = 60 – 69 Lowest Acceptable Progress
F = 59 – Below Failure
Grade Level Performance
Above-Above Grade Level
At-At Grade Level
Below-Below Grade Level
Special Areas and Social Development/Work Habits
O- Outstanding
S- Satisfactory
N- Needs Improvement
U- Unsatisfactory
Awards Presented for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades
Principal’s Honor Roll (All A’s)
A/B Honor Roll, Good Behavior
Academic Improvement
Character Trait of the Month
i-Ready Reading
i-Ready Math
· Students who make only A’s and B’s on the Academic Progress section of the report card will be on the honor roll. Students must be on grade level in reading and math.
All A- Must be straight A’s
A/B Honor Roll- only given to a student who has received at least 2 A’s in academic subject areas and the remainder B’s.
· On the Social Development and Work Habits sections, students who receive one or more N's OR U's do not qualify for the honor roll.
Mid-Term Progress Report Distribution Dates
Mid-term progress reports shall be sent during the fifth week of each marking period.
- Quarter 1 - September 17, 2019
- Quarter 2 - November 19, 2019
- Quarter 3 - February 18, 2020
- Quarter 4 - April 28, 2020
Report Cards Distribution Dates
The report card is a periodic report to parents as to the progress of their children. Students receive report cards at the end of each nine-week marking period.
- First marking period - October 22, 2019
- Second marking period - January 13, 2020
- Third marking period - March 31, 2020
- Fourth marking period - June 4, 2020